Over the course of my postdoctoral research, I have generated/characterized several transgenic reporter fly lines that are currently the most facile and sensitive tool for analysis of the ER stress response in Drosophila. These reporters form the the basis for several projects in our laboratory. Here is a partial list of these reporters in rough order of popularity (based on the frequency of reagent requests). The list is best read in conjunction with the signaling pathway schematic in the accompanying figure.

  • 4E-BP-intron-DsRed: 4E-BP intron with multiple ATF4-binding sites driving DsRed

  • 4E-BP-intron_mutant-DsRed: The above reporter with the ATF-binding sites mutated

  • 4E-BP-upstream-DsRed: 4E-BP upstream promoter with FOXO-binding sites driving DsRed

  • pBiCistronic (pBC): pUAST or pattB with Tubulin promotor backbone with GFP-MCS-RFP

  • DromP-Drom-GFP: Drosomycin promoter driving Drosomycin 5’UTR-GFP

  • DromP-Tub-GFP: Drosomycin promoter driving Tubulin 5’UTR-GFP

  • (PMC5223598, PMC5728446)